
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Real Change is Coming

The government is failing you, while you slumber in denial.

We are overpopulated.  The Census doesn’t take into account the thousands if not millions of adults and children who are living illegally, whether simply renting private rooms or apartments, or by entering this country by secretive means.

The “War on Terror” is an illusion.  It is a deception to create fear so the people never realize the truth – it is the “Oil Wars”.  Our natural resources are draining fast and we are being lied to about it.  So they go to war and misrepresent the truth.  Worse than just lying about it, this is also an excuse to thin the populations with thousands dead – good people, loyal citizens who didn’t deserve to die.  The survivors are kicked to the curb by the very government they fought to protect.  More than one actively serving General has stated that they were doing everything they could to keep their boys from coming home because after all they’ve been through on the front, the only thing our country had left for them at home was a nightmare worse than war.  There is no re-training for integration back into society, no rehabilitation, no jobs, loss of medical, nothing.  It’s no wonder there is a shortage of military volunteers, so much so that many states have made it mandatory for men to register for “Selective Service” when they get their driver license or state ID.  This is their way of trying to delude you from realization that you are being forced to register to be drafted by the military at their whim.

If this was a “War on Terror”, then your own government is guilty, and so is the media.  This is especially clear when the government is looking to pass laws that reduce your freedoms or raise your taxes.  Most tragedies are initially speculated at using the word “Terrorism” in order to scare you into compliance.  They will report “we’re not sure if Terrorism is the cause”, or “it’s unlikely to be an act of Terrorism” or anything similar, just as long as the word “Terrorism” is used, or indicated, so you will be afraid and give up what they want.  These deceptions cause the people unreasonable fear so the government can profit from its citizens.  Think about it, all this fear they create, all the hype, just to make you pliant to higher taxes and ever increasing restrictions on life.  You are being terrorized by your own government into giving up your Freedoms, and you pay for it through increased taxes and higher fees. 

The people are robbed of more and more freedoms each year under the guise of “National Security”.  More money comes out of your pocket and goes into the bank accounts of the government officials who propose, pass and enforce these measures as well as their wealthy civilian supporters.  This happens through those increased taxes or new taxes being added.  This means YOU end up paying the Politicians to take away Your Freedom.

The greed of the government is endless.  Laws are passed to ensure that the Politicians and their wealthy supporters continue to gain money and power, leaving the rest of the people to slowly dwindle into poverty.  The divide between the classes grows faster each year.  The middle class is a dying breed, almost extinct.

Our leaders are not leaders.  They do not lead.  They deceive.  They steal.  They cause harm to the people they are supposed to protect, and even to their own families, without conscious.  They serve only personal greed, helping themselves and only those who can afford to considerably line their pockets further.  “Bailouts”, millions of Your hard earned dollars, given only to the wealthiest so that they might buy yet another vacation home and yacht.  In reality these government officials are Not “Leaders”, they are only “Politicians”, serving themselves and no one else.

We have had enough.  An uprising is coming, and the Politicians are ensuring it comes sooner than you think.  Throughout history the people have stood against such injustice and the people will do it again.  Kings have fallen.  Governments have toppled.  It is inevitable.  People want Freedom, not Tyranny, not slavery.  All the lower class will end up as nothing more than slaves, working only to give their wages to the wealthy through high taxes and other forced fees on necessities.

We need a real Leader.  We need someone who remembers what “honor” means.  We need someone who will fight FOR the people, ALL of them, equally.  We need someone will take action when people are hurt, suffering, hungry or cold.  We need someone who can demonstrate that the people are not alone or separated, and that we can soar to new heights and accomplish the impossible by standing together – ALL of us.  We need someone who can lead us into an age of real unity, in genuine truth, real honor and truly equal justice for everyone – ALL of us, equally.  We need someone who has the strength to fight the disease the Politicians are decimating this country with.

We need someone who can lead us back to being truly United.

We need a Leader!

-No One

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Has the world REALLY changed?

How much have things really changed since hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Our leaders would have you believe we are so “evolved” and yet the only real change is the invention of technology.

Society is still run by often corrupt people who adjust the laws to benefit the wealthy, much like old times. “Lords”, or wealthy landowners of Europe would have influence over the kings and the creation of policy because of their money, which translated to “status” (exactly the same as it is today). Even as the church grew wealthy they became more corrupt, expanding so the church leaders could sit in a palace surrounded by gold and having position above the law instead of helping the poor as was their claim. So how have we grown there? Even the “Senate” is not a new idea, anyone who had heard of Julius Caesar knows this well, and it was not new even in his day. Still, the politics remain the same – the wealthy influence policy in their favor. Religious leaders are selfish and corrupt. The “President” is no different really than the Kings of old or of the Senate leaders, little more than a figurehead that endorses the policies created by the wealthy FOR the wealthy. Even those on the Senate who didn’t come from wealth, whether long ago or in today’s world, would still be influenced by “bribes”or “contributors” to swing their votes in the favor of a wealthy party. It was that way so long ago, and it remains the same today. So nothing has really changed, has it?

For even longer still, wars have been fought over land and resources. Today’s “war on terror” is really little more than a publicity campaign to detract us from the real fact –these are the “Oil Wars”, a fight over an increasingly limited and fast diminishing resource. What has it cost us? In addition to thousands of lives, the freedoms we sacrifice to those policies created by the wealthy and enforced by thugs hiding behind badges is our biggest price.

If this really was a war on terror, we have already lost. We have receded to a point of giving up our freedoms and worse still, paying higher taxes to have those freedoms removed. We suffer the greatest loss of freedom now, today, since slavery because the wealthy leaders have lost control over their greed and selfishness. Why do we willingly pay to give up our freedoms – what is wrong with this picture?

The more freedoms that are removed, the more taxes are imposed for removing those freedoms. It solves no purpose but to build a bubbling cauldron of hatred and anger. People are taught more and more every day not to take responsibility for their own actions, that problems are always someone else’s fault. Parents no longer raise their own children and the law makes it too easy for the irresponsible to have unwanted children and neglect them, turning them into little more than wounded animals in great pain. Worse, these parents then run to blame and sue someone else when their child goes wrong because this is what the wealthy do – a great example of responsibility and good policy, huh? Make no mistake, this is the age of irresponsibility, and our leaders are pushing this on us. They change the laws to support placing the blame on others. Even marriage has become a “fad” with most people saying “well, if it doesn’t work, we can just get divorced”. What kind of message is that?

What happened to values? What happened to responsibility? Why not let people be responsible for themselves? If you have a child, then your child goes out and kills people, you have no one to blame but yourself – it was YOUR responsibility to raise YOUR child, and if you weren’t ready to do it then you should have waited until you were ready like a responsible person. You should have paid attention to your child, guided them, education them on right and wrong, and you should have been there when they needed you. The laws need to change. Far too often more and more people are encouraged to sue radio/tv/games and everyone else for the harm to their child, or caused by their child, when in fact it was the parents’ responsibility to raise their child – NOT the responsibility of tv or video game manufacturers, etc, and sadly more this happens, the worse the problem will get.

All these atrocities stunt human growth and evolution severely, and set us back in leaps and bounds by ensuring the upsurge of ignorance, anger and rage in people of all ages. America has become a stewing pot of hatred with almost no one truly caring about others unless they benefit themselves from it. Even law enforcement who has the noted motto “Protect and Serve”, but what they don’t tell you is the rest of it: “Protect and Serve the Politicians, the wealthy and anyone who can further our career”. Law enforcement has become a business in politics, most cops know this nowadays, but they get a paycheck and they get to break the law without consequences, so what do they really care? They’re the worst lot of all, with the majority being out of control alcoholics and abusers, and receiving no consequences unless the public catches them in the act. Since these people work for our government and are “supposed” to represent the responsibility of our laws, this just compounds the problems.

Leaders irresponsibly incite hatred by falsely spinning the focus of a war on specific sets of people instead of calling it what it is – a war over oil; and then they use those thugs with badges as dressing to reinforce the false concept. Worse, they conceal their own wrongdoings as well as the wrongdoings of their supporters, until publicly caught. One great example, the church is an enormous “unofficial” supporter in politics, so the corrupt child-molesting priests rarely spend time in prison and the story vanishes from the public. So it’s apparently “ok” for a trusted priest to molest innocent children, but same-sex marriage between consenting adults is a “sin”?? In what universe does that sound right?

All that hatred, cycled to a boil by our leaders, has forced it so the country, the world, has lost not only self-respect, but the very best part of what makes us human – Honor! The fact is: Real, genuine, unparalleled honor, especially backed by truth, still remains the strongest force in the world. Instead, all we’re left with is lies, betrayal, leaders who deceive not only the public but even their own armed forces members who they then just toss aside like trash instead of properly re-integrating them back into society. Our freedoms are being removed and we pay for the technology to do it, like internet monitoring (which is fact, I have seen it first hand). If they’re going to invade our privacies so completely, let them do something good with it for a change. All those kids who go around shooting up schools and committing suicide, I know their internet posts did catch the attention of more than one government monitoring program. So the government knew what was going to happen, but instead of calling the school or the parents and alerting them that someone could die and giving them a chance to get the child the help they need, the government just figured that the body count wouldn’t be high enough or that the people who would be shot or suicided would not be wealthy/worthy enough to bother with, because saving them would not further anyone’s career. If the parents weren’t aware, they should be made aware because the government knew, and the parents should have been made responsible for ignoring their child to the point that those are the actions the child feels a need to resort to – let the irresponsible parents help their own child or face jail. But no, the government couldn’t do that because it wouldn’t have benefitted them financially or politically. The people who are supposed to help us are the one’s causing harm and intentionally allowing harm to happen to the very people they are supposed to be protecting, and yet there are a few rare individuals who sincerely do wish to help that simply don’t have the means or position to do so. It’s all backwards.

This is the leadership we have. We are expendable to them. We are ALL expendable to them. We always have been. They care so little for people, useful only if we can further their careers or expand their wallets, whether civilian, children or soldier. This is why our society is breaking down and we are losing, because we let it happen, and we let our taxes pay for it because we let our own government terrorize us into taking away more and more freedoms. Eventually, it will end. It has to. People rose up time and time again when governments become oppressive, ruling with fist and fear, and it will happen again. It’s inevitable..